Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I couldn't make this up

So...after a long period of silence..I am back! Honestly I have been so busy with work that I have had little time to write..and I have been so busy with work - which isn't exactly the most exciting thing to write about. I am going to trust my assumption that you don't really want to hear about my work day :). If you do, just ask and I will fill you in!

What I am going to write about is what I consider to be the TOP 4 STRANGEST JOBS IN INDIA. Now, I don't know if I would call them strange (this is actually quite diplomatic). Some of them are downright disconcerting and other are just laughable. I am going to give my top 4 because the rest just aren't cool enough to warrant making a 'list'.

In India perhaps one of the most pervasive aspects is the amount of labor and therefore, the sheer amount of 'jobs' done. My list of top 4 does not include the street sweepers or the used shoe hawkers or the men who sell nuts and fried goodies or the women who braid and sell flowers to put in your hair. It does not include the people at every stop light who knock on your window (or your knee if it is an open vehicle) and offer you red devil horns (with blinking lights!) no matter what the day is. My list does not include the 5 rupees coconuts hacked open with machetes or the men who will offer you a blessing for a mere 20 Rs. No, my list is much better. the point. The top 4 strangest jobs in India (maybe ever). Listed from the least bizarre to most disconcerting.

4) The men who sharpen knives using the friction generated by pedaling their bikes. Do you need a sharp knife this morning? Well, fear not, walk onto the street, find one of these men and 10-20 Rs later.. you have a sharp knife. A very compact business since they carry their machinery with them...or rather, their machinery carries them!

3) Roadside Tattoos..This one falls more into the disconcerting category than anything. It took me many days of observing these men during my trip to work plus the experience of having my own tattoos to realize that yes, India, one of the dirtiest places on earth offers roadside tattoos...and real one. Pick your design - bulletin board is located right next to the artist - and ink away. I hope you have had your shots.

3) Roadside Dentists....Fear not, if you have a tooth ache in India there is likely a dentist with a chair somewhere within 10 Km. There is one in particular I think of with a tray of different sized pliers. Once again, downright scary..but true!

1) Drum Roll Please...this one deserves it. The single strangest and most disconcerting job in India: The man who cleans people's ears outside the bus stop near Secunderabad. This is no joke. You need your ear's cleaned? Well...he has q-tips and extra cotton (all hand made of course!). Honestly, makes me a little queasy to think about it, but....its India and you don't have to do anything yourself if you don't want to.

So, there is my short and sweet blog posting. I am hoping it makes you think and chuckle at the same time.

There is no place quite like India and it never ceases to keep me on my toes. Although...I have yet to find someone who will clean these toes on my way to work...hmmm...I guess I just need to give it a little time.

If nothing else, these jobs point to the ever-present entrepreneurial spirit of India. Everyone is figuring out how to make their mark.

That all for now, but I will be back again shortly.


  1. Hmm. Is the ear wax black like the snot from the pollution?

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